Marina di Venezia Camping Village

    Medical assistance

    • Where are the nearest pharmacies located?

      The Camping Village has a parapharmacy for medicines that do not require a prescription. The nearest pharmacy is Pharmacy Zorzetto in Ca'Savio (2.5 km). Other pharmacies are located in: Treporti (3.5 km), Ca'Ballarin (5 km) and Cavallino (9 km).

    • Is there a medical clinic on the campsite?

      Yes, the campsite is equipped with a medical clinic. This is a private, paid service. In high season, the doctor is present 24 hours a day and the clinic is open every day at set times. In low season, the service is provided during periods of peak arrivals.

    • Which are the nearest hospitals?

      The nearest hospital is in Jesolo, where there is also an emergency room and is about 20 km from the campsite. In Ca' Savio, 2.5 km from the campsite, there is a first aid station with clinics.

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