Privacy Policy

Data controller

Marina di Venezia S.p.A., with registered office in Via Montello, 6 - 30013 Cavallino Treporti (VE). The Data Controller may be contacted at

Purposes and legal basis of processing

The Data Controller processes personal data for the following purposes:


Purposes of processing

Legal basis

Personal data

Contact details

Fiscal data

Data relating to payments

Car number plate

Duration of stay


of ID

Presence of people with disabilities

Video surveillance system images

Photos and videos taken during their stay

Data relating to the services used

Data subjects

Provide the services required

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter b) Performance of a contract which the data subject is party to













Notify the services available during their stay by e-mail and check Customer satisfaction

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter f) Pursue the legitimate interest of the Data Controller 













Fulfil the administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter c) Fulfil a legal obligation













Inform Police Headquarters of the personal details of guests

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter c) Fulfil a legal obligation












Customer Guests













Manage participation in live entertainment initiatives organised by the Data Controller

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter b) Performance of a contract which the data subject is party to












Customer Guests

Manage guest safety

Art. 9 paragraph 2 letter b) Fulfil obligations relating to safety and social protection













Protect the property of Data Controller and Guests 

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter f) Pursue the legitimate interest of the Data Controller 












Customer Guests

Protect the legal rights of the Data Controller

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter f) Pursue the legitimate interest of the Data Controller


























Send commercial communications about the Data Controller’s services by e-mail

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter f) Pursue the legitimate interest of the Data Controller

The data subject may object at any time to this sending by writing to













Record activities on the camp site and post photos and videos on the Data Controller’s website, social media or in printed leaflets for promotional purposes

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a)

Consent of the data subject or, in the case of minors, of the parent or legal guardian.

Consent also applies as authorisation free of charge pursuant to the provisions of Article 96 of Italian law 633/1941














Adapt the service proposals to the needs of guests, send commercial communications other than by e-mail (telephone, social media, etc. ) and perform market surveys on customer satisfaction, etc.

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a)

Consent of the data subject.













Communicate to those who request it the presence at the accommodation facility and receive messages or phone calls intended for the Customer or for Guests

Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a)

Consent of the data subject.














Failure to provide the data processed to perform contractual services or fulfil legal obligations may make it impossible to provide the services requested.
Consent may be revoked at any time by writing to

Data recipients
In addition to the above, the data may be disclosed to possible third parties who collaborate with the Data Controller and who are appointed as Data Processors for this purpose.
The data are processed by employees and collaborators of the Data Controller who have been authorised and appropriately instructed to do so.
In order to protect their rights, the Data Controller may disclose the data to law firms and debt collection companies.

Transfer of data outside the EU
The data are not transferred outside the European Union.

Period of retention



Data retention period

Video surveillance system images

Protect the property of Data Controller and Guests

48 hours

Personal data

Details of the length of stay

Fulfil the obligation to inform Police Headquarters of the personal details of guests 

Until receipt of confirmation of communication of data to Police Headquarters.

The receipt shall be kept for 5 years

There is no receipt as it is entirely digital

Details of ID 

Personal data

Participation in live entertainment initiatives organised by the Data Controller

Duration of stay

Data relating to the presence of any disabled guests

Manage guest safety

Duration of stay

Personal data

Contact details

Communicate to those who request it the presence at the accommodation facility and receive messages or phone calls intended for Guests

Duration of stay without prejudice to the withdrawal of consent by the data subject

Images (photos and videos) taken during their stay

Publish images on the Data Controller’s website, on social media or on printed publications for promotional purposes

2 years without prejudice to the withdrawal of consent by the data subject

Contact details 

Send commercial communications about the Data Controller’s services by e-mail

5 years without prejudice to the data subject’s right to object to the sending

Personal data

Contact details

Data relating to the services used

Send commercial communications other than by e-mail (telephone, social media, etc.) and perform market surveys on customer satisfaction, etc.

5 years without prejudice to the withdrawal of consent by the data subject

Personal data

Fiscal data

Data relating to payments

Fulfil the administrative, accounting and fiscal obligations

Protect the rights of the Data Controller

10 years


Rights of the data subject
The data subject has the right to ask the Data Controller for access to their personal data and the amendment or deletion of the same or the limitation of processing of the personal data concerning them or to object to their processing, as well as the right to portability of the data, by writing to

The data subject may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisor at

Camping rules and release
All guests are expected to respect and ensure that minors accompanying them respect the Rules and Regulations of the campsite (link
The activities are organised by Marina di Venezia taking all necessary precautions for the safety of the participants and their property. However, Marina di Venezia cannot be held responsible for any damage to persons or property caused for any reason whatsoever during the course of the activities.
Minors participate in the activities organised by Marina di Venezia for the age range to which they belong. The booking of activities is made by the guests, except for those over the age of 16 who can book the activities themselves. The guests are responsible for assessing the suitability of the activities taking into consideration the minor's state of health or other reasons that may advise against their participation, relieving Marina di Venezia of any responsibility for any damage incurred by the minor or caused by the minors to persons or property.